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ГИА по английскому 2016 11 класс
school№3Дата: Среда, 17.02.2016, 18:45 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 60
Статус: Offline

Государственная итоговая аттестация  по  английскому  языку в XI классе проводится устно по билетам.

Каждый из 25 билетов содержит  два вопроса: первый вопрос-чтение, перевод, пересказ текста, составление пяти вопросов разных типов к прочитанному; второй вопрос – говорение.

Первое задание билета  направлено на проверку уровня сформированности у учеников умений и навыков чтения, понимания прочитанного текста, умения обобщать содержание прочитанного,  выделять ключевые слова и определять значение незнакомых слов по контексту или
словообразовательным элементам.

Тексты могут содержать до 5% незнакомых слов, о значении которых можно догадаться, используя лингвистическую и контекстуальную догадку,
опираясь  на сюжетную линию, и 2% незнакомых слов, которые не препятствуют пониманию текста вообще.

Второе задание проверяет уровень сформированности навыков и умений говорения. Ответ учеников проходит в форме беседы-диалога с членами аттестационной комиссии (с элементами монологического сообщения).

Третье задание - письменное проводится в тестовой форме, нужно ответить на 10 вопросов, каждый вопрос содержит 4 варианта ответов.

Во время проведения аттестации по  английскому  языку пользоваться словарями и дополнительной литературой не разрешается.

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school№3Дата: Среда, 17.02.2016, 19:24 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 60
Статус: Offline
Card 1

You are finishing your last year of studies at school. Talk about yourplans for the future:

What profession have you chosen for yourself?
Where are you going to continue your education?
What is your parent’s advice?

It is a well –known fact that nowadays there is a great variety of different professions and every person has an opportunity to choose the profession he likes. It’s not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world.

Choosing a career is one ofthe most important decisions you will make in life.  It's about so much more than deciding what you will do to make a living. According to the statistics, the amount of time which we spend at work is approximately 71% of every year. Most of people spend time working, from the beginning of their careers until retirement. That is why it is obvious that the importance of selecting a career with which we are satisfied cannot be overemphasized.

I am absolutely convinced that differentpeople have different skills, interests, experiences and expectations and that is why there’s no one career that’s best for everyone.

Frankly speaking, I want to be a diplomat. I understand perfectly well that the profession ofa diplomat is very important nowadays. A diplomat is a person who is responsible to link his country with all the countries in the world, to organize bridges of mutual understanding in order to raise his own country on the political arena. Diplomats are the main people who can raise the image of
their country in the world.

This professiondemands from a person who has chosen it to be intelligent in all spheres. Moreover, this person has to be able to discuss questions, and to be patient, no doubt. A diplomat has to have deep knowledge of foreign languages. As for me I try to do my best to master English, but I understand well enough that I have to learn some other languages too.

In Russia there are some educational establishments which can propose school- leavers the education in this field of international
relations. Once, surfing the net I found the information about Moscow State Institute of International Relations, which is theoldest school in Russia for preparing students for careers in internationalrelations and diplomacy. Another significantadvantage is that this t Institute prides itself on its language education. 56 languages are taught there.

This year isvery difficult for me. I am at the source of my grown-up life and I hope that thechoice of my future career is correct. Having discussed this choice with my parents I am happy to find theirsupport, which is very important for me.

Summing up, I would like to introduce you one famous quotation by Confucius, who was aChinese teacher, politician and philosopher: Choose a job you love and you will never have towork a day in your life”.

school№3Дата: Среда, 17.02.2016, 19:31 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 60
Статус: Offline
Card 2

“Lifeis short, art is long”, the saying goes:
- What is art to you?
- What forms of art do you prefer? Why?
- What’s your favourite piece of art?

I totally agree with a famous saying “Life is short, art is long”and I think that it is important to understand what art is. According to the
definition art is a diverse range of humanactivities andthe products of those activities, usually involving imaginative or technical
skill. In their most general form these activities include the production of works of art, the criticism of art, the study of the history of art. Generally speaking art is a medium through which weexpress our emotions, intellect and ideas. With the help of art we can express our inner feelings and our creativity.

It is a well-known fact that many great civilizations and cultures areperceived to be great because they are advanced in arts. There are different forms of art: literature, painting, music, dance, theater, photography and films. I prefer some forms of art too - I enjoy listening to music and watching films. Recently I have become interested in painting. I believe that paintings can express the
feelings and emotions of the artist and they definitely tell us a story.  I would like to introduce you a famousquotation by PabloPicasso, one of the greatest and mostinfluential artists of the 20th century: “Painting is justanother way of keeping a diary.” I agree with this quotation and I can give an example. I would like to focus attention on my favorite artist - Vincent van Gogh.

I really admire his various paintings which include different bouquets[bu'keɪ] and scenes of nature. Recently I have read a book of his letters and I was struck by how much he loved nature. If you flip through a book of his paintings, many, if not most, have plants in them. Indoor scenes often include a vase of flowers and even many of his portraits have the person holding a flower, or there are
flowers on the wallpaper behind them.

Myfavorite piece of art is a famous painting Blossoming Almond ['ɑːmənd] (миндальный) Branches. I believe that Vincent van Gogh had a keen eye for color and described the leaves of a tree and the color of the clouds in vivid details. The artist created
this work when his nephew was born and it was a painting for the baby.

In the painting one can see white almond tree branches against a blue sky. I suppose that they are on the tree, seen from below looking up towards the sky. Critics claim that it is an unusual composition for both art as a whole and for Van Gogh himself.

Like many of VanGogh’s paintings, Blossoming Almond Tree has an influence from Japanese prints. Van Gogh collected and admired Japanese artists and used ideas such as bold color, dark outlines, and the beauty of nature in his work. Trees blooming announces
the beginning of spring and new life. As a gift to celebrate the birth of a child, this could not be more perfect. The painting is full of life, hopes and dreams. It gives a feeling of a bright future and happiness. That is why I like it so much. It is very positive.

Summing up, I would like to say that though we areliving in the world full of computers and modern technologies, art will never
disappear because art provides a necessary escape – even if a temporary one-from the troubles of the world. It excites, inspires and provokes us.
school№3Дата: Четверг, 18.02.2016, 21:47 | Сообщение # 4
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 60
Статус: Offline
Card 3

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
What role does food play in your life?
What is your attitude to healthy and junk food?
Would you rather cook by yourself or eat out? Why?

It is a commonplace that food hasa great impact on our life. Eating can be defined as the consumption of food and liquid to sustain life and to meet our body’s basic needs for growth, development, and function. Eating and food also have symbolic meanings which are associated with love, comfort, stress reduction, security and reward. All of us have turned to food at one time or another for comfort and in order to help us cope with stressful experiences and satisfy our desires. The ability to eat and the enjoyment of eating are important aspects of a good quality of life. In other words, when a person is able to eat what he wants it makes him feel good while different food restrictions annoy him.

Nevertheless, people need toremember that food is an important part of a balanced diet and it affects us every day. Somepeople do not realize that what we eat can change our lives and even shorten it. That is the reason why people need to give attention to the quality of food that they eat. Food is supposed to play the role of making sure we stay healthy.

Our life in the 21thcentury is quite fast and stressful. A lot of people are quite busy working and the rhythm of our life makes us suffer from the lack of time. As a result, a lot of people try to spend less time cooking and eating and this is the reason why they go to various fast food restaurants. Do we get the same pleasure in eating a bowl of fruit that we get in a cheese burger? Unfortunately, we have to admit the fact that junk food is tastier than healthy food. Temptation plays a very important role when it comes to choosing junk food over healthy food.

However I am not a fan of junk food. Thereare several reasons I can mention. Firstly, junk foods add pounds of weight.The high calories can lead to chronic diseases. Secondly, junk food being low in fiber content also results in high blood sugar and high cholesterol. These are the reasons why I prefer healthy food which has a lot of advantages.

Frankly speaking, people alsohave to choose the best place to eat because it is also quite important. It is a well-known fact that cooking by yourself is always better than eating out.  Firstly, youalways know what ingredients you put into your food. Secondly, you can make a meal to your taste. Another significant advantage is that cooking at home is cheaper than eating out. However, cooking takestime and most people want their food immediately. Unfortunately, I am not fond of cooking either. I have to admit that I rarely cook, mostly when I want to help my mother. Despite
all the pros of eating at home, I prefer going to good restaurants at least once a month for a change as it is agood place for meeting someone. Moreover,you can find a restaurant that serves a variety of food you cannot cook at home.

Summing up, I would like to introduce you one famous quotation by Hippocrates, who is considered to be one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine: “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”
school№3Дата: Среда, 24.02.2016, 16:36 | Сообщение # 5
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 60
Статус: Offline
Card 4

4. “Friend” is aword that can be referred to all generations, age groups and different nationalities. Talk about:
-Is it easy or difficult to be a good friend?
-What features ofcharacter must a real friend have?
-What do you think about friendship online?

Friendship is a very important part of people’s relationships. Having a good friend is as necessary as having parents or a family. The way you choose your friends also plays a very considerable role. There is a wise statement that a friend is a person who knows you best but loves you anyway. Real friendship lasts as long as life does. A friend is always ready to give you a helping hand when you are in need. You can discuss with your friend the things that you wouldn’t dare tell your parents about. A friend can be your advisor, helper and even psychotherapist. That is why it is important to learn how to build friendships.

In my view, being a good friend is hard work. Even adults are not experts in that. To succeed in this, one should remember some important rules. First of all, show a genuine interest in the other person. Stop being  selfish. Then you will havea moral right to expect the same attitude in response. Remember what is important for your friend . Ask questions and help to solve his problems. Secondly, be positive and natural. People will feel attracted to you. Look for mutual interests and passions you have , the things you have a similar attitude to.

There aren’t completely perfect people and everybody has weak sides. However, some features of character are a must for any good friend. A real friend is a very responsible person. He finishes whatever he starts or promises to do. Such a friend is honest and understanding. You trust him a lot and rely on his words and opinions. Finally, a real friend has a good sense of humour. He always
cheers you up when you are depressed or upset.

Statistically, life-long friendships are established at school, college or university. It is hard to start friendship when you are over thirty and have a busy adult life. Nevertheless, more and more people start making new friends online.  I don’t  consider friendship online a true one. You can’t be close to your friend physically( shake hands, hug, etc.). You won’t be able to go out spontaneously, swim or throw a party. You don’t know this person for sure and there can be many strange people online.  Sometimesthere is no Internet access but you need to talk to your virtual friend. I
prefer real communication and spending time together with my friend.

On the whole, we should be happy to have true friends in our lives and do our best to be a good friend as well.
school№3Дата: Среда, 24.02.2016, 16:45 | Сообщение # 6
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 60
Статус: Offline
Card 6

6. You are going to make a report atthe international conference, devoted to the questions of environmental protection. Talk about:
-  the problemswhich are caused by the pollution of the environment in the world.
-How canthese problems be solved in your opinion?

Good afternoon, dear audience! I’m happy to take part in this conference, devoted to the questions of the environmental protection.

Protection of the environment is paid much attention to all over the world. Global warming, the ozone layer problems, air and water pollution, industrial waste are in the centre of our attention. Environmental pollution is a burning problem of our

I reckon, we must pay great attention to the problem of saving enough clear water for us to survive. We use water at home, we drink it, cook with it, take showers, wash dishes and clothes. Water is not only a part of our life, it’s a part of us! The man is 80% liquid. So the water resources are important and shouldn’t be polluted.

One mustn’t also ignore the danger of nuclear pollution, the most dreadful example of which is the Chernobyl disaster. Nuclear power stations cannot be banned as they provide much energy which people need. However, it’s utterly necessary to learn this technology better in order to feel safe using it.

Unfortunately, industrial and household waste, as the result of human activity, created another acute environmental problem. It is the waste sites where litter and food leftovers are taken from our homes and are heaped in immense quantities. The soil in the areas on the city outskirts becomes polluted with plastic, cans, bottles and papers and this leads to regrettable consequences, because we grow our food on this soil.

The problem of global warming is becoming more and more disturbing. One of the causes of global warming is burning fossil fuels for energy. It has released greenhouse gases into the atmosphere of our planet. As the average temperature becomes higher it may cause melting of polar ice, in its turn the rising of the sea level and a serious impact on the sea ecosystem. Weather patterns will change: there will be more hurricanes, floods and earthquakes. This is a very serious problem, that’s why many scientists try to find the solution and help the planet.

In my opinion, we should take the following steps to solve the environmental problems. First, we must educate our people about proper ecologically-friendly behaviour, organize special lectures, lessons and seminars. Second, we must do our best to reduce the ”greenhouse effect”: plant large quantities of trees, use means of transport that do not pollute air and water.  Finally, some energy-conserving sources mustbe found to be used in everyday life. We must treat all those problems seriously, responsibly and with great care. Everything that affects the
environment, affects people and vice versa. We are all connected as the parts of the same system. So we must care about the world around us, just like we care for ourselves.
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